Many times here in this space, I’ve said that opening up credit cards for their signup bonus miles and points is one of the best ways to get a bunch of miles and points. And while I’ve also said that YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT SIGN UP FOR A CREDIT CARD JUST BECAUSE SOME GUY ON THE INTERNET SAYS YOU SHOULD, judicious usage of credit card signups can help jumpstart your account balance, without adversely affecting your credit score.
(READ MORE: “I only date guys with high credit scores“)
The current rules and best practices for Amex cards
Different banks and card issuers have different rules for getting bonuses on credit cards. Some (Chase) limit you to one bonus every 24 months, while others will let you get a bonus every 90 days or so
I do attempt to keep an active reference page on the current rules and best practices for signing up for credit cards, which would be a good page to bookmark if you haven’t already
Currently American Express has a rule that you can only get one signup bonus per LIFETIME! So if you’ve gotten a signup bonus on a particular American Express card before, you won’t get another one.
Getting (targeted) Amex flyers in the mail
I wrote a few months ago that American Express had been sending me targeted offers in the mail for the Amex Delta Gold card. (READ MORE: Trying for a 2nd lifetime bonus on an Amex card). I was pretty sure that I had had the Amex Delta card before, but I figured the potential 60,000 Delta Skymiles was worth a hard pull.
I applied anyways (knowing I was possibly not getting the signup bonus) and…
But would I get the bonus?
Getting approved is no big deal – there are many data points of people being approved for multiple American Express cards, and sometimes (Ameriprise Platinum?) it can make sense to get a card even without a signup bonus.
Commenters on the original post shared differing data points about whether I was likely to get the bonus. I met the spending requirement (it was for a targeted offer of only $1,000 in spend) and waited…
Fast forward today, and my Award Wallet app let me know that my Delta Skymiles balance had just increased! I logged into my Delta account and….
I don’t know why it’s separated into 2 different bonuses, but it’s definitely there for the full 60,000 Skymiles!
So, what can we learn?
My targeted flyers DID have the language on them saying that I would not be eligible if I had received the bonus before. All I can think is that apparently American Express didn’t think that I had received the bonus, so this is a data point suggesting that if you’re getting targeted mail offers from Amex for a card, then you will get the bonus on the offer.
Have you ever had success getting a 2nd bonus from an American Express card?